Our solution for human identity and reputation. For a more technical explanation, please visit the "Technical implementation" section.

YOU ID represents an individual's passport in the You universe. Individuals can store personal data relating to their identity and reputation, and share all or part of this data with another You ecosystem app or user.

YOU relies on a social-based verification method, where attestations from other members within the network contribute to validating your identity/reputation. The more people that attest about the same thing, the higher the likelihood of its veracity. This method does not just build a more robust and secure system; it is also profoundly respectful of privacy, avoiding the need to collect any sensitive personal information.

Use cases include:

  1. Proof of Personhood: Members can attest to an individual's humanness after meeting them in real life

  2. Professional Reputation: Employers can attest to an individual's working experience and capabilities

  3. Social Reputation: Members can attest to an individual's participation/belonging to a social group and the individual's behaviour

  4. Financial Reputation: Financial institutions can attest to an individual's financial situation (e.g. borrowing/lending habits, credit repayment, etc.)

Overview of the YOU Protocol infrastructure

Individuals can store their reputation in their YOU ID, which can be thought of as an Apple Wallet containing multiple cards, each of which contains a different piece of reputation. An individual can have a card proving their personhood, another card proving that they have extensive development experience in Javascript, and yet another card proving that they have donated >$100k to a charity to support cancer.

Example user journey:

  1. Alice creates her YOU ID.

  2. Alice links her YOU ID with a "Fiverr-like app".

  3. As she achieves a 5 star rating on Fiverr for her freelance art services, the "5 star" reputation is issued to her YOU ID on=chain.

  4. When Alice is interviewing with a potential employer for a full-time designer position, she sends a proof of her "5 star" reputation to them.

  5. The potential employer verifies on-chain that she has a "5 star" reputation on Fiverr, without knowing anything else about her other reputation information.

YOU ID is enabled by cryptographically-manipulable data such as keypairs, zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) and more. ZKPs enable the following features:

  • Users store and control their own data. User data is by default only accessible by the user themselves, and not by third-party applications, other users or even YOU itself. Users have full control over who they share their data with, and how much of it.

  • All YOU applications built will be interoperable by default. Developers can build applications that leverage on reputation created by other applications, without the developers having to coordinate at all.

  • Trustless verification. Users will be able to prove their reputation to applications without having to reveal any sensitive information. For example, a user can prove that they have fully paid back a loan without having to reveal how much they borrowed, when the loan was, or any personally identifiable information.

This enables third-party applications to be independently built leveraging YOU infrastructure to both read user reputation and create new user reputation.

Last updated