Proof of Reputation

Generation of Proof

Generating Proofs

The YOU Protocol's reputation proofing process begins with users becoming part of specific groups that correspond to different reputation attributes. Only members within these groups are eligible to create a proof. This unique structure ensures that the verification of attributes is confined to the relevant community or context.

When initiating the proof creation, several components come into play. The "nullifier" is derived from the user's secrets and serves to avoid double signaling. It's a unique identifier that ensures each proof is singular and genuine. The "signal" is the message to relay, acting as the communicated reputation attribute or claim. The "Group ID" indicates the group to which the user belongs, linking the proof to specific attributes. Along with user's Public Commitment Identity, this will create a proof.

The Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARK) is then applied to craft a proof that validates the user's claim without revealing their identity. This cryptographic technique allows for a secure and confidential representation of the user's reputation.

Sharing of Proofs

Once the proof is generated, it's displayed as a QR code. This encapsulates all relevant information in a simple, scannable format, making it easy for users to share and for others to verify. The QR code generation adds an additional layer of convenience, bridging the gap between complex cryptographic processes and everyday user interaction. Others can verify the user's claim by scanning the QR code. The cryptographic proof contained within ensures the legitimacy of the claim while maintaining the anonymity of the user.

Proof Verification

Verification within the YOU Protocol can be executed both on-chain and off-chain, catering to different user needs and applications.

For on-chain verification, the process involves interacting directly with the YOU Smart Contract, where certain gas fees apply. This method ensures a high level of security and trustworthiness, as the verification is recorded on the blockchain. However, it does require the verifier to own a wallet to perform the validation, adding a layer of complexity.

Full Data Ownership

YOU Protocol places a strong emphasis on user data ownership and flexibility, ensuring a bespoke approach to privacy that caters to individual needs and applications. Within the system, users have the autonomy to decide what information they wish to reveal. Refer to Data Ownership & Handling

Last updated