Proof of Personhood


Proof of personhood is a mechanism to establish an individual user's humanness and uniqueness.

Why is it important

Preventing Bots and Spam

In today's digital landscape, bots and spam are pervasive issues. Automated scripts can mimic human interaction, leading to fraudulent activities, manipulation of information, and degradation of user experience. Ensuring that each digital identity corresponds to a unique human being is essential to preserve the integrity of online platforms and communities.

Decentralization to Avoid Concentration of Power

A centralized system of identity verification puts significant power in the hands of a few entities. This concentration of control leads to vulnerabilities, potential biases, and a risk of misuse. Decentralized proof of personhood promotes diversity, resilience, and fairness, distributing authority and preventing a single point of failure or control.

Current proof of personhood solutions

Government-Backed Solutions

Passports and other government-issued identification documents are common means of verifying identity. However, they often require intrusive checks and centralized control, leading to potential privacy concerns and dependency on governmental authority.

Biometric Solutions

Biometric systems, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, are growing in popularity for their perceived security. But they present significant challenges including:

  • Privacy Concerns: Storing and managing biometric data can lead to privacy invasions if mishandled.

  • Special Hardware Requirements: Many biometric solutions require specific hardware, limiting accessibility.

  • Potential Errors: False positives or negatives can occur, leading to unjust denials or unauthorized access.

Social-Based Solutions

Some platforms rely on social networks and peer verification, but without a comprehensive framework, they may suffer from:

  • Manipulation: Bad actors can create fraudulent networks to manipulate the system.

  • Lack of Standardization: Different platforms may have varied criteria, leading to inconsistencies in verification.

How we are improving on current solutions

Our solution combines the principles of decentralization with a robust social-based verification approach to overcome the issues in current methods. Here's how we differentiate:

  • Community-Driven Verification: By relying on a network of attestations from real individuals, we minimize the risk of fraud and manipulation, fostering a system that is both secure and transparent.

  • Privacy-Friendly: Unlike biometric methods, our approach doesn’t require collecting sensitive personal data, ensuring a higher degree of privacy.

  • Accessibility: No need for special hardware or government intervention makes our system more inclusive and available to a broader audience.

  • Standardized and Decentralized Approach: Our decentralized model avoids the pitfalls of concentration of power and creates a standardized system that is resilient, fair, and adaptable to various applications.

Our proof of personhood protocol is not just an iteration of existing solutions but a revolutionary approach that puts human values at its core. We believe in a digital world where every person is recognized, respected, and engaged on equal terms. Our system is designed to pave the way to this future, redefining identity verification in a way that is secure, ethical, and inclusive.

Last updated